Mae Loy Sa

MoKaiMae (left), MaeTa (center),  MoJoDo (right center) & MaeLoySa (right).

MoKaiMae (left), MaeTa (center), MoJoDo (right center) & MaeLoySa (right).

May Loy Sa worked in the illegal logging industry in Tak province near the border with Mayanmar. She was then moved to ChokChai where she was forced to give rides to tourists. 

The COVID19 pandemic offered an opportunity to engage with the owner of ChokChai and enable us to stop the camp offering riding and help to transition them into an ethical program. 

Thanks to your support May Loy Sa enjoys her days with her new friends Mae Boon & Lum Yai. May Loy Sa is a very social elephant and is always trying to make new friendships with other female elephants but she has a distinct dislike of male elephants. She loves playing in the mud pit and covering her body in lashing of mud. 

It's thanks to all her foster parents that everyday May Loy Sa can enjoy mud spa’s with her friends!



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