Mo Lo Po


Female. Birthday 1991.

Mo Lo Po Worked for 10 years in the logging industry before giving rides to customers at Chok Chai Camp. Mo Lo Po is a mother to a boy named Chum Pun who is also at chokChai and we hope to be able to add him into our foster program in the near future when funding allows.

Since our intervention with our generous support Mo Lo Po’s life is changing for the better. She is now developing a beautiful kinship with MoJay, Mae PunKhao & Mo La. Mo Lo Po is also expected to be the number 1 nanny when PuKhao gives birth to her baby. It is clear that she will be an excellent nanny from her gentle and kind nature. 

Mo Lo Po has a huge appetite and loves sweet treats such as for tamarind, watermelon and bananas. It is wonderful that with your support that we can treat her with her favorite treats!



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